Embrace Authenticity: How to Be More Straightforward

In today’s world, where communication has become more accessible than ever, one would think that expressing oneself would be a piece of cake. However, despite the ease of communication, many people still struggle with being straightforward. The art of being direct and clear in expressing our thoughts and feelings is a skill that many of us find challenging to master. So, how can we shed the layers of fear, past experiences, and self-doubt that hold us back? Let’s dive deep into understanding the nuances of being straightforward and explore practical ways on how to be more straightforward in our daily interactions.

Understanding Straightforwardness vs. Complicated Behavior

Before we delve into the strategies on how to be more straightforward, it’s crucial to understand the distinction between straightforward and complicated behavior.

Straightforward People

  • Clear Expression: Straightforward people express their positions and intentions clearly from the start, eliminating the need to guess, decode, or untangle their thoughts.
  • No Hidden Reservations: If they don’t want to do something or are unhappy with someone’s behavior, they will politely and timely explain their feelings.
  • Honesty in Relationships: They make their feelings clear in relationships and are honest and unashamed about what actually pleases them.

Complicated People

  • Uncertainty of Desires: Complicated people are painfully unsure about the legitimacy of their desires, rendering them unable to express what they truly want and feel.
  • Hidden Reservations: They may appear to agree with everything said but, in reality, have many reservations that take time to uncover and resolve.
  • Lack of Courage: They lack the courage to articulate their convictions or make any slightly risky bid for the affection of another person.

The Root Cause of Complicated Behavior

Understanding the root cause of complicated behavior is essential in our journey to becoming more straightforward. Often, this behavior springs from fear – the fear of how others might respond if one’s true intentions are known. This fear often originates in childhood when expressing one’s needs and desires led to negative reactions from caregivers, such as irritation, open anger, or even sadness.

As a result, the child grows into an adult who speaks in emotional code, always implying rather than stating, hedging their ideas, and lacking the courage to articulate their own convictions. Fortunately, none of us are fated to be eternally complicated. We can untangle ourselves by noticing and growing curious about the origins of our habitual evasiveness and reluctant slyness.

How to Be More Straightforward: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we have a better understanding of the complexities behind being straightforward let’s explore some practical steps on how to be more straightforward in our daily interactions.

1. Reflect on Past Experiences

Reflect on your past and identify instances where you felt unable to express your thoughts, feelings, or desires openly. Understand how these experiences might have shaped your communication style.

2. Acknowledge Your Fears

Acknowledge the fears and apprehensions that hold you back from being straightforward. Understand that these fears often stem from past experiences that no longer define your present.

3. Embrace Your Agency

Recognize that as an adult, you have the agency to express yourself openly and walk away from situations that do not serve your well-being.

4. Practice Thoughtful Diplomacy

Practice delivering your truths with thoughtful diplomacy rather than burying them beneath temporary smiles.

5. Seek Acceptance

Understand and accept that what you want is almost never impossible for others to bear. It is the cover-up that always maddens and pains others.

Tips for Being More Straightforward

  • Practice Self-Awareness: Being self-aware is key to understanding your communication style and identifying areas for improvement.
  • Express Yourself Respectfully: Being straightforward does not mean being blunt or insensitive. It’s about expressing your thoughts, feelings, and desires openly and respectfully.
  • Embrace Conflict: Understand that human interaction is inherently filled with the risk of conflict. However, most people would rather be frustrated head-on than suffer disappointment in gradual doses.


  1. Why is it important to be straightforward? Being straightforward is important because it eliminates misunderstandings, builds trust, and fosters healthy relationships. It allows you to express your thoughts, feelings, and desires openly and respectfully.
  2. Why do some people find it difficult to be straightforward? Some people find it difficult to be straightforward because of past experiences where expressing their thoughts, feelings, or desires led to negative reactions from others. This often leads to a fear of how others might respond if one’s true intentions are known.
  3. How can I become more straightforward? To become more straightforward, practice self-awareness and self-compassion. Reflect on your past experiences, acknowledge your fears, embrace your agency, practice thoughtful diplomacy, and seek acceptance.
  4. Is being straightforward the same as being blunt? No, being straightforward is not the same as being blunt. Being straightforward involves expressing your thoughts, feelings, and desires openly and respectfully, while being blunt often involves expressing your thoughts without regard for the feelings of others.
  5. Can being straightforward lead to conflict? Being straightforward can sometimes lead to conflict, as human interaction is inherently filled with a risk of conflict. However, most people would rather be frustrated head-on than suffer disappointment in gradual doses.


Understanding the nuances of being straightforward and recognizing the roots of complicated behavior are crucial steps in our journey to become more straightforward. By reflecting on our past experiences, acknowledging our fears, embracing our agency, practicing thoughtful diplomacy, and seeking acceptance, we can shed the layers that hold us back and embrace a more authentic and straightforward version of ourselves. Remember, being straightforward is not about being blunt or insensitive; it’s about expressing our thoughts, feelings, and desires openly and respectfully. Embrace the journey and take small steps towards becoming more straightforward in your daily interactions.

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